Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Golfer Defies Adversity

Newest LPGA Tour member defies adversity
By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO, Fla. - A wedding. Celiac Disease. Stiff Competition. Just a few of the trials Sarah-Jane Kenyon, an Australian-born golfer has had to overcome to further her career recently.

Placing well in the Duramed Futures Tour, a developmental series used by the LPGA, Kenyon rocketed herself from virtual anonyminity to a full Tour member.

Standing in her way of accomplishing this feat, besides the other members of the tour fighting for their membership, Celiac Disease posed a problem to Kenyon, and forced her to change her eating habits. "I was just too tired at the end of the day," said Kenyon. "but I think the diet helped that."

Kenyon has dedicated so much time to her career, that even an impending marriage has been sent to the side burner. Kenyon, set to wed later this year, will take a "mini-moon" and get back to training quickly before she makes her LPGA debut in Hawaii on February 9th.

Kenyon is also an advocate to other women who may want to pursue golf as a career, but she remains humble to the fact that women golfers aren't taken as seriously as their male counterparts, noting to women in her position to "be patient, it's worth it." She also doesn't see a problem with the fact that women are taken lighter than men in the sport, "I don't think women will ever get to the point that male golfers are," but she continues to amaze with her determination and poise.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Roger "Bad-dell"

When to say “Uncle”
By Alex Barrett

It almost seems like being an NFL Commissioner would be an awesome job, right?
Regulating the league, making important decisions, like weather to increase the season at the cost of preseason games, if we should play more games abroad, and there’s that $11.2 million he makes a year in salary which doesn’t hurt the pocket any.

It would seem like you have a lot on your plate, but it would also seem like you would be completely involved in your work; just ask late commissioner Paul Tagliabue, whom served the NFL for 16 years. Tagliabue was responsible for 16 years without a strike or a lockout, had a huge hand in the collective bargaining agreements, brought in major endorsements and exclusivity deals, strengthened revenue sharing, and saw to massive internal expansion, including NFL Europe, several new expansion teams, and 17 new stadiums during his tenure, which shows his uncanny ability to get government backing for such undertakings.

Goodell, surely has some big shoes to fill, and it seems like he may never come close. As we look at Goodell’s performance so far, all we see is mistakes and confusion. First, there was Adam “Pac-Man” Jones and his antics. Jones was arrested more times than years Tagliabue served in office, and that is only in his first 3 years as a member of the Tennessee Titans. Because of these arrests, we have seen Jones more or less not able to stay away from the gentleman’s clubs, and for some strange reason, he likes to pick fights with bouncers and encourage other people to shoot their guns. Because of his off-field involvement, Goodell suspended Jones for the entire 2007 season, which seemed like an appropriate penalty, and then informed Jones that there was “zero-tolerance” for any more off field issues. Last month, after being re-instated earlier this season, Jones got in a fight with a bodyguard at a hotel. That was it for Jones’ career, right? Apparently not. Goodell suspended Jones for 4 more games and recently reinstated him this week. Note to the Commish: If you can’t make “Good-ell” on your promises, these guys are going to walk all over you.

Lets look at another issue with Goodell in office, the whole “Spy-Gate” issue revolving around the New England Patriots. The Pats were accused of, and found to be recording sessions of practices and games in which they had a member of their staff on the opposing sideline stealing signs and recording classified material. Having been found doing this at least twice before, this was the end of the road for Bill Belichick, right? Apparently not. The Patriots and Belichick were docked a mediocre 5th round draft pick, and fined a total of $750 thousand dollars in pocket change. The assumption around the league was, if you get caught cheating, you’re disqualified; one of those foundation rules you learn in little league. Goodell let the Patriots off easy, and their subsequent season they posted an 18-1 record, losing to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl. Karma?

It almost seems like Goodell would have suspended Michael Vick, whom was indicted for dog fighting charges earlier this year, for 4 games and fined him a measly $100k if he wasn’t in jail and unable to play. It remains to be seen if Goodell will reinstate Vick after his 2-year prison sentence has been carried out, but hasn’t it already tarnished the league?

Roger Goodell has been given the office of a $30.6 billion dollar conglomerate, and seems as though he is making it out to be a circus. Non-conforming suspensions, fines and penalties aside, his face time with the media is always teased and made to be a farce as he simply repeats his previous words when asked about controversial issues. Tagliabue may have cast a big shadow, one that is far too large for Goodell to even think about leaving for his successor. Only time will tell if Goodell will shake off his ill-advised decisions and return the league to it’s well-oiled machine ways.

Movie Review: "Quantum of Solace"

"Quantum" Needs More Bond, Less Solace.

007 does it again; but this time, he has his work cut out for him.
In Quantum of Solace, an ailing James Bond is struck between exacting revenge on those who have hurt him from Casino Royale, and saving a country’s water supply from a greedy environmentalist. While this seems like a good plot, it skews what makes Bond movies great. We can all admit that 007 has never really been a box-office favorite, but the movies are always fun to watch with their amazing gadgets and explosions, beautiful women and impossible situations.

The explosions and women are here in Solace, but the others are gone. No more crazy contraptions, not even an appearance by a “Q” of any sort to give Bond cool things to tinker with. There’s about 5 minutes of James’ Aston Martin speeding around, and that as well is pretty sad. The movie had an overbearing feel to it, and a darkness that was felt through the flick, which is great, but I miss my old Bond.

Director Mark Forster obviously wanted this movie to be a hit with critics, and strayed away from the closet humor used in previous movies, and went with more periods of speaking between off characters that made the movie not only drag, but make little sense at some junctures as well. As far as acting goes, Daniel Craig (Bond) did a great job yet again; He’s no Sean Connery, but he is probably the best since then, and his intensity and charm are a good fit for Bond’s overwhelming persona. M is again played by Judi Dench, and I don’t really think it should be otherwise, she has done a fantastic job in her roles as the leader of MI6 to this point.

Overall, it was a good showing, but I expected more. If Forster can somehow combine this movie and Casino Royale for the next installment, it will be a blockbuster, But for now, the lack of historical Bond elements combined with shoddy acting by those other than who is listed above, and the loss of an upbeat, happy and funny action movie has made me somewhat disappointed. I may watch it again, but I would be happier popping in just about any other movie just as much. I give it a 6 out of a possible 10. It is worth a view at the theaters simply for the explosions and overall feel, but unless you’re a Bond maniac, saving this one for a rainy day at home will make for a much better showing.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Perfect Halfway.

Remember These Titans
By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO, Fla. - The 2008 Tennessee Titans aren’t a glamorous team; they don’t score a ton of points, don’t throw the ball 50 yards down the field, and haven’t had a win margin this season over 24 points. They do, however, have the league’s top three interceptors on defense, a defensive line that could send all 4 members to the pro bowl, a grizzly veteran quarterback, and a rookie running back that is in the tops of rushing in the NFL.
Let’s throw some names out there… Berman. Young. Aikman. Collinsworth. Madden. All analysts for the NFL and their perspective companies; all of them, and others as well, picked the Titans to finish dead last in the AFC South division race this year. Not many Titans fans chose their team to be atop one of the notoriously toughest divisions in football at the midway point of the season. Even the die-hard fans that could have predicted this in a clear conscious would have retracted their thoughts after the Titans chose not to address their receiving corps in the draft, and felt even more worrisome after Vince Young, the future of the franchise, succumbed to injury in week 1. The only bright spot, it seemed, was the first-round pick they would receive at the beginning of next year. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, the 2008 Tennessee “Tyrants” have gone on the warpath. They lead almost every statistical category defensively in the NFL, and the ones they’re not on the top of the list for, they are at a very close second. The Titans have defeated all members of their division already once this year, and because of the Titan’s dominance, the league is seeing something rather odd this year, The Colts, normally a powerhouse in the division, has lost it’s stranglehold. The Jaguars have been wallowing in mediocrity all season, and the Texans are again bringing up the rear.
To have the NFL’s top rushing offense and stingiest defense are luxuries 14-year head coach Jeff Fisher has dreamt of ever since the 1999 Super Bowl loss to the Rams. Remind you of another team that won games with this same scheme? How about the 2000 Baltimore Ravens, with an emerging Jamal Lewis, a cruddy quarterback in Trent Dilfer, and a downright scary defense featuring MLB Ray Lewis. Replace cruddy quarterback with Kerry Collins, who’s consistency hasn’t put up fascinating numbers, but has delivered when necessary, and change Ray Lewis to Albert Haynesworth, whom is making his MVP of the league bid this season, and you have essentially the same championship makeup.
Tennessee hasn’t been winning huge, but they have been winning strong, forcing opponents to try whatever they can to shut down the “Smash and Dash” combo of LenDale White and Chris Johnson, and no one has been effective. The best statistic of them all? The Titans are a staggering 100% in Red Zone offense. If they've made it to your 20 yard line, you might as well go ahead and put some digits on the scoreboard. After 8 weeks of the regular season, you can make comparisons to the last two teams to start 8-0 - the Patriots, and Colts. Both went on to win Super Bowls. In fact, of the last 8 teams to start the first half of the season undefeated, half of them have won the big game. It is because of this tight-knit group of players, who were cast aside as cellar-dwellers, that the Titans have been able to dominate the league to this point. If these figures continue, with the momentum the Titans have built, it’s now difficult to look at the second half of the season and imagine those prominent analysts from above, continuing to predict the Titans to finish last. Unless, of course, by last you mean the last team standing. Now when you get asked the question; “Do you remember the Titans?” It isn’t the feel-good movie with Denzel Wahington, it’s the real-life story of the 2008 shouldn’t-have-been’s, the 2008 Tennessee Titans.

Front Page, "McCain Ba-racked!"

By Kyle Beard and Alex Barrett
Valencia Voice
The crowd was a mixture of tears and cheers as an announcement naming the 44th President of the United States boomed from the speakers. At approximately 11 o’clock, Sen. Barack Obama was announced the projected victor against opponent Sen. John McCain after 21 long months of campaigning. Hundreds of cheering supporters and volunteers gathered together to celebrate a historic victory in downtown Orlando at the Orange County Regional History Center. The evening kicked off with several local Democrats rallying together to offer their support and endorsements in favor of Obama. The first speaker was Senator Bill Nelson who, having nothing at stake during the Election Day race, spoke words of encouragement and gave thanks to all the volunteers and supporters of the Obama campaign. Following Nelson and declaring victories were Alan Grayson and Darren Soto respectively. Mayor Buddy Dyer also made an appearance to announce a new Sheriff, Jerry Demings. The festivities continued inside the museum where Obama supporters partook in the drinking of spirits and hors d’oeuvres while viewing exhibits and discussing the coming victory. “I’m very excited to be part of history,” said Orlando Army veteran, Sergio Tuifarro. “I was amazed by McCain’s voting in the Senate concerning veteran benefits,” Tuifarro explained, mentioning in particular McCain’s opinion of the Montgomery G.I.
Bill, a bill that pays veterans of the armed services and their families seeking to further
their education. The trend continued throughout the night as individuals who could be considered “typical” McCain supporters raised their voice in support of Obama. Some of the groups included Republicans for Obama and Veterans for Obama. Ironically, the theme of the night was not “Change,” but equality. Voters of all colors, creeds and affiliations gathered together, seemingly oblivious of their differences in the spirit of the campaign. “Simply historical,
monumental… powerful,” said Angelica Pineiro. “You feel that you’re a part of a major
movement.” Later, the crowd moved outside as the results began to pour in. Nancy Warlick, who
first voted in 1960 for John F. Kennedy was thrilled by the hype. “I think there’s a great excitement around Barack Obama, just in the same way there was with JFK” Warlick explained when comparing the campaigns. “My husband and I spent 27 years in Africa, so this is particularly an exciting night and our friends there are really thrilled.” The
feeling was mutual among the crowd as supporters around her wholeheartedly agreed.
As the evening drew to a crescendo, the crowd turned its attention to the stage, where
a huge television screen showed a broadcast of McCain delivering his concession speech. In a honorable and sportsmanlike manner, McCain announced his dropping from the
race to a deafening cry of victory as the attendees stomped, shouted and whistled. “We have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly,” he announced. “A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him. To congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love.” McCain continued on to thank all of his supporters and colleagues with the mention of Sarah Palin drawing boos from the Orlando crowd. Shortly after, as the party organizers’ allotted time at the historic center expired,the party moved on to Wall Street to watch Obama deliver his victory speech on the Wachovia Bank Building jumbotron. Orlando
police quickly moved in to block the intersection at Jefferson and Orange in order to support the massive throng of celebrators, trapping a few unfortunate cars in the middle. Though stuck in a gridlock, many drivers left their vehicles and joined the celebration —one woman even getting out to dance on the hood of her minivan. As though not even phased by the hours of waiting and celebrating earlier in the evening, the crowd once again roared as the image of Obama appeared on the screen. “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer,” Obama stated to tumultuous
applause. He continued to thank supporters, family members, volunteers and colleagues all, but most of all adding his gratitude to the American people. “This is our chance to answer that call.
This is our moment. This is our time to put our people back to work and open doors of
opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim
the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth —that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can’t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: ‘Yes We Can.’” Think the election this year was close? Take another look at the local results.
On Tuesday, Sen. Barack Obama made a huge push in Florida, and Orange County gave him a rather large boost as well. In the tight Florida Presidential race, Orange County was a convincing win for Obama. How convincing? How about 60/40 in support of Obama, beating Sen. John McCain by well over 100,000 votes and sealing a Democratic victory in one of the highest populated areas of Florida. Winning the populous areas of the states is vital to winning the state itself, especially when 27 electoral votes are on the line. The rest of the state was divided almost evenly, with Obama or McCain leading by only a few percentage points, with the exception
of our backyard. If you were to glance at the map of Florida last night, you would have noticed a lot of GOP red splattered across the map, but it was the blue areas that sealed the deal for Obama. Areas such as Orlando, including Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties, and other major metropolitan areas such as Tallahassee, Miami, and Tampa posted a huge disparity between the
parties, all leaning towards Obama. In other states, it seems the same can be said. New York, for example, looks like it has chicken pox with all of its red blotches, but it was an Obama state when it was all said and done simply because New York City and other large cities were so swung to the Democratic side, it completely nullified the GOP-controlled outskirts. These statistics can also be used when you look at states such as New Mexico, Ohio, and Iowa, all of which, coincidently, voted strongly for George W. Bush in the last two elections. They are among the states that swung from the GOP over to the Democratic side, presumably seeking that everawaited change that Obama has used to fuel his campaign. While America has swung to
the left, only time will tell if was in the right direction.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama in Central Florida

Central Florida for Obama
By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO, Fla. – Think the election this year was close? Take another look at the local results.

On Tuesday, Barack Obama made a huge push in Florida, and Orange County gave him a rather large boost as well. In the tight Florida Presidential race, Orange County was a convincing win for Obama.

How convincing? How about 60/40 in support of Obama, beating McCain by well over 100,000 votes and sealing away a democratic victory in one of the highest populated areas of Florida. Winning the populous areas of the states is vital to winning the state itself, especially when 27 electoral votes are on the line.

The rest of the state was divided almost evenly, with Obama or McCain leading by only a few percent, with the exception of our backyard. If you were to glance at the map of Florida last night, you would have noticed a lot of GOP red splattered across the map, but it was the blue areas that sealed the deal for Obama. Areas such as Orlando, including Orange, Osceola, and Volusia counties, and other main city areas such as Tallahassee, Miami, and Tampa posted huge disparity between the parties, all leaning towards Obama.

In other states, it seems the same can be said; New York, for example, looks like it has the chicken pox with all of it’s red blotches, but it was an Obama state when it was all said and done simply because the major metropolitan areas were so swung to the democratic side, it completely nullified the GOP controlled outskirts.

These statistics can also be used when you look at states such as New Mexico, Ohio, and Iowa, all of which, coincidently, voted strongly for Bush in the past few elections. They are among the states that swung from the GOP over to the democratic side, presumably seeking that ever-awaited change that Obama has used to fuel his campaign. Only time will tell if their swing was in the right direction.

Alan Grayson; Congress-elect

Alan Grayson Represents Central Florida Proudly

By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO, Fla. – Right now, incumbent congressman Ric Keller is hoping Central Floridians will keep him in office for a fifth consecutive term. The man he is running against, Alan Grayson, Is looking to end that streak.

In today’s election, the race for District 8 will be tightly contested between these two men, and to this point it has been an ugly race in which both sides have had to dig deep to persevere. Alan Grayson is looking for the upset, and promises to serve all members of Central Florida, but his quest does not end there.

You may remember Grayson from his television ads, speaking of how he has fought to recover millions of ill-gotten money from companies seeking to profit illegally off of the war in Iraq. Grayson earned his law degree from Harvard, and has put his papers to good use thus far. Now, he seeks to take the District 8 seat away from Keller, and his campaigning has not gone un-noticed.

“We’re very excited,” said Darren Vierday, the Grayson campaign spokesperson. Vierday was available to answer questions about the campaign Tuesday afternoon from the campaign headquarters. “We’re looking to regroup Central Florida as a whole, and welcome the new change in which all the classes not only here, but across the country are equaled, and no one will be able to throw their weight around. Alan Grayson looks out for all of the people.”

The overall mood of the Grayson campaign is positive, which is great in a time where we as a country have been having problems getting individuals out of the house to vote. This year is much different; record numbers of early polling have been confirmed, and as more and more people turn out at voting centers all over the country, we are most likely looking at a record setting voter turnout. Vierday is very pleased with seeing these results, and even remarked about the absentee ballots tripling this year, and attributes it to Americans, and Central Floridians, being ready for a change.

Reporters were able to touch on a few issues in their conversations with Vierday, and a few concerning collegiate students that may shine a light through some cloudy weather. With the cost of tuition rising every semester, not to mention the cost of about everything else, it is getting harder and harder to pay for college. This is even more disturbing considering the masses had begun to assume that the value of a degree is dropping rapidly. Vierday was very interested in this topic, especially since Grayson has put addressing Federal Aid increases near the top of his “To-Do” list. “We need to help the people want to help themselves. We can do this by assisting high-schoolers more efficiently, and by building more comprehensive student loans. It’s the up and comers that need to be helped in this situation, not the already wealthy, larger corporations. We want more people to be able to better themselves.”

Vierday also touched on raising minimum wages across Central Florida; stating that it is common sense to look at the economy and realize “more money in people’s pockets means more money to be spent. It all goes around and around to different places, but the end result is the same; we all spend money.” Grayson also believes in monetary relief for tipped employees as well, such as servers and bartenders whom only make around 3 dollars an hour. “It is chilling to look at the wages for tipped employees and see they haven’t risen to a competitive rate in some time. They (tipped employees) should not have to rely on random tips as has been expected of them thus far."

As the race got closer here in Central Florida, it took a few rough turns and “a lot of dust has been kicked up,” said Vierday. “We need to unite this country again, and that starts locally. We expect Grayson to be elected term after term, and Alan is a great man who is willing and able to address our problems and help to solve them. He is the right man for the job.”

(#1 for Reporting)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween on Campus

Valencia Gets Dressed Up for Halloween
By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO,Fla. - As the cool breezes blow in October, the changing seasons bring many memorable things with it, the most, of course, being Halloween.

You always know when Halloween is getting close, because all of those random buildings and stores that have been vacant for 7 months start popping up with bright orange Halloween costume banners, and more people are out on the road canvassing traffic with big neon signs. Adult novelty stores stop advertising what they're known for, and start pushing costumes, some of which are surprisingly still culturally acceptable outside of the bedroom. (That doesn't mean they all are though.)

So it only feels right to see what people have decided to dress up as this Halloween, and what they are doing with their night. Many people go downtown, while some stay in for house parties and work get-togethers. For some, the decision on what alter-ego to inherit comes easy, but for others, it may be a little difficult. That's not the case if you have someone deciding for you, however. "Marilyn Monroe is my idol. and that's why I chose to go as her," said Kristen Candio. Next to Candio, Antonio Gaskin informed us he was going as Justin Timberlake. "I'm making him do that. it's a joint thing," added Candio.

Still, others have opted for a more direct approach, having no clue; such as Vinnie Oliveira. "I have no idea. I just don't know yet.
Gaby Salmon has her eyes on a certain outfit though; "Its a female Spongebob costume. Some people think it's stupid, but I think it's cute. I'm going to have to go back and get it."

Other Valencia students have a much tougher time deciding on their costume, like Jay Rodriguez. "Well, I'm throwing a Hooters Halloween party this year, so if I have to dress up, I guess I'll go as a vampire, that way I can just throw on some fangs and look cute around a bunch of girls."

There's bound to be some people out there who are wearing their costumes and may take the role a little too far, so you should always be safe on Halloween and be aware of your surroundings. it won't just help you stay secure, it will help you take advantage of the best part of Halloween - people watching. After all, you need to start thinking about ideas for next year, right?
(#2 story for reporting class)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Odd Man Eats All Fruit at Local Event

What's Double Dip Mean?

ORLANDO, Fla. - At a local speaking event Thursday at Valencia's West Campus, an odd man was spotted raiding the fruit bowls.

This unidentified gentleman was seen using one fork to skewer fruit pieces un-sanitarily while returning the utensil from his mouth to the community bowl just as the event was ending.

Despite the availibility of plates nearby, (you can see them in the picture,) the man decided to help himself and spread his saliva over the rest of the remaining food in the bowl, assuring no one else at the event could enjoy the small delicacies they had been eyeing during the speech, given by Mike Murphy, former Op-Ed writer for the Orlando Sentinel.

"Its like he's putting his whole mouth in the fruit," says Tim Tomals; "it can't be clean." The speech was barely broken out for more than 2 minutes when the man attacked the public fruit display like a lion on a steak at Busch Gardens, mercilessly feasting upon the innocent bricks of tasty goodness.

One on-looker at the event said that it was as painful as watching baby seals get clubbed in real life. "I couldn't watch, the horror was too great and I had to look away. those poor honeydews. What did they do to deserve their life being ended so abruptly by such a monster!"

"It was like watching a vaccuum cleaner with a fork. I was disgusted. So much for anyone else getting any fruit pieces;" said Ben Chancers, who also attended Murphy's speech. "If I never see anything like that again, I would be thanking all that is holy. That man had to be possessed."

After orchestrating quite possibly the most disturbing genocide of a mixed fruit platter in Valencia history, the man dissapeared, and is still at large. You may consider him armed with sharpened sporks and extremely dangerous, and authorities say if you encounter this person, you should contact them and not try to apprehend yourself. Especially if you have a pear-shaped figure, or are wearing any fruity-smelling body spray or cologne.

NBA Power Rankings


First power rankings of the season, based off of last year's accomplishments, off-season movement, and pre-season play.

1. Boston Celtics: The Defending Champs stay there until they screw up bad enough to lose it.
2. Los Angeles Lakers: The return of Andrew Bynum will make the Lake-Show even tougher.
3. Houston Rockets: Adding Ron Artest... either going to be amazing or terrible. Lets see how he gets along with Houston fans and T-Mac. Over-under; people Artest will punch this year- 3.
4. New Orleans Hornets: Chris Paul will challenge for league MVP again. He and Chandler have amazing chemistry.
5. Detroit Pistons: Window of opportunity closing fast for this veteran team. Stucky seems to be the only flash they have coming in after the geriatrics leave. Still not sold on Maxiell.
6. Cleveland Cavaliers: LeBron is eyeing real estate elsewhere if the Cavs cant win. NOW.
7. Utah Jazz: Big hole at 2-guard prevents this team from moving forward.
8. San Antonio Spurs: Trio of Duncan, Ginobli and Parker still scary good, but aging as well.
9. Orlando Magic: Much deeper than last year, More playmakers added. Great cast in Mickey's backyard.
10. Phoenix Suns: May be last hurrah for Steve Nash, Shaquille O'Neal.
11. Dallas Mavericks: Can Rick Carlisle put this team over the top?
12. Toronto Raptors: Perhaps best frontcourt in East with (healthy) Jermaine O'Neal and Chris Bosh.
13. Philadelphia 76ers: Signing of Elton Brand makes them much better.
14. Portland Trailblazers: Should round out West playoffs with (healthy) Greg Oden, and a young, tough team.
15. Washington Wizards: Agent Zero and Antawn Jamison should have jumped ship. They'll pay for staying, but they'll GET paid for staying as well. it's all about the Benjamins, baby.
16. Indiana Pacers: Rebuilding for the Pacers, they could sneak into the playoffs with solid performances.
17. Atlanta Hawks: They linger, but should be better for as young as they are.
18. Denver Nuggets: Can the Nuggets score 130 a game again this year and still lose?
19. Golden State Warriors: Losing Baron Davis was a big blow.
20. Los Angeles Clippers: Losing Elton Brand was a bigger blow.
21. Chicago Bulls: I have no clue what they're doing in Chicago. It must be nice to just not really care. Get rid of Gordon.
22. Miami Heat: Wade couldn't do it without Shaq, but he has Beasley and Marion now.
23. Minnesota Timberwolves: Kevin Love will be a draft bust as soon as everyone sees the wuss he is, and Ol' Al will be fending for himself again.
24. Sacramento Kings: They will be scary in two or three years. They're going nowhere this year.
25. Charlotte Bobcats: Lots of cap space screams LeBron bid in 2010 - go go gadget Michael Jordan!
26. New Jersey Nets: Trading Jefferson? Ouch. I want to say Yi is overrated, but he isn't. Just isn't that good yet...
27. Milwaukee Bucks: Michael Redd and R. Jeff are scoring machines. A little more help makes these guys real good.
28. Oklahoma City Thunder: They may look nice, and have a new home, but life is going to be tough for Durant and crew.
29. Memphis Grizzlies: These guys are going to get laughed at in the West.
30. New York Knicks: How about a season without one of the following: Sexual harassment charges, locker room drama, and 50 plus losses.

Smoking in the Breezeways

Valencia Students Lighting Up Everywhere

By Alex Barrett

Every time you turn a corner in the breezeways at Valencia, a familiar sign hangs above your head; “Smoke-free breezeways.” It states that smoking is prohibited in the breezeways of the school for the courtesy of others who may not choose to light up. With smoking being dangerous to the person that is sparking it up, equally as dangerous as second-hand smoke, or the contaminants that are dispelled by the smoker you may be inhaling, even though you aren’t the one smoking.

Second hand smoke is more technically known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke, or ETS, and according to the American Lung Association, ETS lingers in the air hours after cigarettes, cigars, and pipes have been extinguished; meaning just because there isn’t a smoker next to you, doesn’t mean you aren’t being affected. ETS has also been confirmed to cause a wide range of health effects, including cancer, asthma, and respiratory infections. For you statistically inclined people, ETS claims approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths, and anywhere between 22,700-69,600 heart disease deaths to non-smokers in the United States… Each year. With all of this in mind, It’s good to know that Valencia is taking a stand to try and keep our community airways cleaner for those who don’t really think cancer is fun; but there’s a problem here, no one is enforcing the rule.

If you were to start on one side of the campus and walk to the other, using nothing but the breezeways, you would find out that these signs that support a cleaner learning environment are often overlooked, and sometimes even flagrantly ignored or shunned.
“Ill smoke where I want, when I want. You can’t tell me how to live a part of my life; deal with it,” says David Gonzales on the West Campus of Valencia. When asked if he cared about the second hand smoke he was causing, and the harm that resulted from it to others, his answer was an emphatic and snappy “no.”

Maybe this is a deeper seeded problem than just Valencia. As you probably know, all establishments in Florida that are public areas are all smoke-free, with the exception of stand-alone bars, or bars that serve more alcohol per sales than food, making them different from a restaurant. “I smoke in the breezeways because it’s easier for me, and it keeps me in the shade. Other people should be mindful of the inconveniences that I have to deal with because I smoke. They should work around me;” says Sara Watson of the Osceola Campus. Sara, like many people, was completely unaware of the hardships caused by second hand smoke to others around her, and obviously feels that others should compensate for her choice to indulge in a smoke. So where do students of Valencia turn to get help for this matter? It seems as though many people are smoking on campus, but few have ever seen someone of authority ask a student, or faculty member, to put out their smoke; second year Valencia student Kyle Craig stated, “I have been smoking in the breezeways for the past 2 years, and no one has ever asked me to put out my cigarette, or even move to a designated area. It’s not that I want to cause harm, it’s just difficult for me to smoke between classes and move between them without using the breezeways. If I squatted at a smoking approved area, I would be late getting to my next class.” You would think the security office would monitor such behavior, and regulate the smoking in the breezeways here at Valencia; this is incorrect. When the security staff was asked about the regulation, they stated that it was more of a policy than a law, and that the Office of the Provost is the entity that is responsible for regulating the smoking. This is clearly a problem for students like Kyle, who need to be on time for their classes. However, there are others who abide by the regulations and feel that if a smoker chooses to smoke, than they should accept responsibility for their actions, like third-year student Jessica Meredith on the West Campus. “I am a smoker, and I smoke in the designated areas because I make the choice to put things in my body. I am not able to make that choice for others. When I schedule my classes, I allow enough time between them to smoke, relax for a few, and regroup before heading to the next session. I would advise others to do the same. It not only helps your smoking routine, it gives you a chance to wash your mind in between classes, which has been invaluable to me.”

Although we found substantially less people blowing smoke on the Osceola and East Campuses compared to the West Campus, we found Mike Glantz on the east side, who when asked about the regulations in place, plainly remarked; “It’s bullshit.” Glantz also added that he would puff wherever was convenient for him, and made quite a stand to have smoking legalized throughout the campus. He didn’t seem to mind that his second-hand smoke could be poisoning others, and maybe that is an issue here at Valencia. Across all campuses, the point remains; there are people freely smoking in breezeways, and it seems that nothing is being done about it. If you would like to make your voice heard; or if you have any questions or comments, possibly want to know more information, you may contact me at abarrett@valenciavoice.com. Special thanks to Louie Rodriguez for his contributions to this story.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dan Shepherd

"Six Digits in a Good Year"
By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO, FL - "Whatever the client wants to make them happy, you do it."
That's how Dan Shepherd has grown to be such a successful Freelance Producer. Living by that simple quote, and falling back on work well done. Since 1994, Shepherd has been a freelance field producer and remote coordinator for many aspects of the media world, including NBC, ABC, and CBS News and their affiliates, and has done work for the Oprah Winfrey show, Mohegan Sun Casino, FOX Sports and Clear Channel Communications, just to name a few. Throughout his career, Shepherd has covered some excellent stories, such as the September 11 attacks on the United States, and the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, garnering Emmy award nominations for these two stories.

Shepherd shared his freelance journalism knowledge and experience on Thursday afternoon at Valencia's West Campus.

Shepherd wasn't always a freelance worker; he started his career in 1984 as a photographer and tape editor for NBC, and in 1987 took those talents to CBS here in Orlando. His coverage of events and microwave truck operations eventually led him to Tampa for a brief 4 year stint, and then back to Orlando to begin his freelance work in 1994. he has been freelance ever since then.

Shepherd says there are many things you have to do to be a successful freelance worker, including taking somewhat less than glamorous jobs, being available at beck and call, and always being prepared for just about anything. Shepherd's stories have taken him as high as being in a P51 Mustang Fighter Plane, to as low as a submarine dive, and to be a freelancer, you must be willing to do the same when the news organizations call your number; you may not get a second chance. With freelance work comes some instability, however, in the monetary department. Dan stated that one could make "Six Digits in a good year," but also added that you could just as easily have a bad year and make next to nothing since you have no steady income.

Shepherd said the key to being successful, besides being prepared, was pitching good stories. Finding anything news-worthy and getting a broadcast company to bite on it is what keeps Shepherd hopefully close to that six figure range. Among the stories he has pitched include one of a dolphin with a prosthetic fin, one of his favorite stories, and a story of a small football team in Alaska that had been playing on gravel and flying everywhere to play their high school games. the porpoise prosthesis was picked up, unfortunately, the Alaskan football team wasn't; even though ESPN covered the team in detail after Shepherd had pitched the story unsuccessfully.

His eye for noteworthy news also plays a part in Shepherd's freelance work, and he uses it to his advantage, gathering knowledge any way he can. "Jump on the internet and let it be your friend," Says Shepherd, and "always be ready for the news, it can happen anywhere."

Shepherd established his own freelance company in 1998, named Soundbite Productions, and keeps his stories on time and under budget. he works effectively with National News networks, and encourages others who may want to do freelance work to be efficient and learn quickly, always be on your heels, and to "prepare yourself for anything, because it can happen at any time."

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh, The Horror

Oh, The Horror…

By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO – Since its inception in 1991, Universal Studio’s Halloween Horror Nights has been attracting flocks of people from all around to Orlando for one purpose… to get the crap scared out of them. This year, the event will hold it’s 18th successive presentation, hoping to maintain that which has made it stand out among the other theme parks and motivating people from all walks of life to return yet another year. With the Horror Nights already underway for two weeks, It is easy to forget that there has been quite a progression involved in the last 18 years; the event has undergone many changes, including flipping between Islands of Adventure and the original Studios, not to mention the new character base each year, and ever-changing “Scare Zones.”

To help take a look back into the past, Universal Studios Employee Donald Leinz has compiled a personal collection of artifacts and memorabilia from all 18 presentations. During the month of October, these tokens are on display at the main campus for the Orange County Library, located in downtown Orlando. On Tuesday, Donald was present to showcase his items and let the community take a step back in time to see how the event has grown over the years. “When you work with a project of this magnitude for so long, it starts to grow on you. I never thought it would be this big of a hit this far down the road.” Donald’s favorite piece of the exhibit is probably the cheapest one, but the most interesting. In a standup glass case, a brochure, button, pamphlet, and credential card for each of the 18 shows sit in order of their appearance, from the first presentation, originally called “Fright Nights,” to the newest one featuring Bloody Mary. Donald added, “It is amazing to look back and see what an integral part of Universal Studios this is. Normally, you never want to be scared, and yet, every year tons of people from basically everywhere come here with the sole purpose of not being able to sleep that night.”

The month long exhibit will feature a few presentations by Donald when he isn’t working out at the show, and from the lingering crowd at the library you can see how Orlando citizens love the Studio’s presentation as much as anyone else. Mary Schweintz of Winter Park was taken back by the exhibit and Donald’s presentation. “I have gone every year, and for the most part it keeps getting better. It’s really enjoyable to just look back and recall memories of past Horror Nights.” When I asked Mary about her favorite time, she remembered once when she was “much younger,” and how her friend had a little bodily fluid accident during the 2000 presentation, which featured Jack, an evil clown as its headliner. Jacob Tyner was also in attendance, and he was new to the experience. “I just moved here from Wisconsin,” he said, “We used to see the commercials all the time, but I never had the opportunity to go until this year. It is really sweet to look at the history and take a preview of what I am getting myself into next Saturday night.”

You can check out the exhibit in the Teen Center should you choose to go, and can look up any appearances by Donald online through the Orange County Library site, at www.ocls.info. It will remain in pieces until the end of October, but will only feature certain selections when Donald is there to present them.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I need Peasants

I had around 1500 blog viewers on myspace... Here I have no followers, and I don't feel too special about it anymore. You should follow me. You know you want to. I added the App this afternoon, you can click on it on the right side of the page. It's down by the bottom, because my picture is too pretty to move it down at all. Here are some perks to being a follower of Alex:
1. You get to email me things you think I should either blog about or write about. I will DEFINITELY read and reply to all emails.
2. Come on. Being a follower of someone as awesome as myself is a perk in itself. You'll get more friends in your social life because of me. Note... it isn't what you know, it's WHO you know.
3. My brother, Jake, wont have to knock on your door. That's a visit you don't want. I promise.
4. Now, I am not saying that being my follower is going to make you independantly wealthy, but, I mean, COME ON.
5. The more followers I have, the more I will blog and the more I will be versed to doing personal favors for any of you. Remember, you are all special.
And finally, the number one reason-
6. My mom is eventually going to be a follower. If she's the only one at any point in time, then I may never be able to be with a woman again, and you wouldnt wish that on anyone. Just click the button. Thanks!

Don't Get Mad, Patriot Fans...

I just picked random teams. Feel free to replace any team except the Patriots with your team.

On the first day of school a first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Patriots fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Patriots fans. Wanting to impress their teacher, everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise, 'Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?' 'Because I'm not a Patriots fan,' she replied. The teacher, still shocked, asked, 'Well, if you are not a Patriots fan, then who are you a fan of? 'I am a Steelers fan, and proud of it,' Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. 'Janie, please tell me why you are you a Steelers fan?' 'Because my mom is a Steelers fan, and my dad is Steelers fan, so I'm a Steelers fan too!' 'Well,' said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, 'that is no reason for you to be a Steelers fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom were an idiot and your dad were a moron, what would you be then?' 'Then,' Janie smiled, 'I'd be a Patriots fan.'

Four football fans - a Cowboys fan, an Eagles fan, a Titans fan, and a Patriots fan - are climbing a mountain and arguing about who loves his team more. The Cowboys fan insists he is the most loyal. 'This is for the Cowboys!' he yells, and jumps off the side of the mountain. Not to be outdone, the Eagles fan shouts, 'This is for the Eagles!' and throws himself off the mountain.The Titans fan is next to profess his love for his team. He yells, 'This is for everyone!' and pushes the Patriots fan off the mountain.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Boys in Blue are back in action

The Orlando Magic begin their new season this month, and already expectations are high. The players all know that new jerseys will not be enough to carry the team where they all believe they deserve to be, the NBA Finals.

Last year, GM Otis Smith was quoted as saying, "We're Kurt Thomas away from a championship," speaking of the power forward acquired by San Antonio before their playoff run. With the failure to court Thomas during the season, Smith didn't even focus on him in free agency in the off-season. Instead, Otis bolstered the defenses by bringing in free agent Mikael Pietrus from Golden State, a stingy defender that plays well in the Magic theme of hitting jump shots and three pointers, and puts yet another body in front of J.J. Redick. Also joining the new-look Magic this season, journeyman point guard Anthony Johnson, who will provide a solid veteran backup to improving Jameer Nelson, and filling the hole left from the departure of Keyon Dooling. Johnson will, ideally, help Jameer develop even more into one of the leagues' top point guards, which he proved he could be in the finals this past year. In the draft, the Magic acquired guard Courtney Lee out of Western Kentucky with the 22nd pick, and the team believes he can contribute right off the bat, and has looked stellar in the off-season workouts and the Summer leagues.

Last season, the Magic won the Southeast Division comfortably by 9 games, posting a 52-30 record en route to a second round loss to the Detroit Pistons, also known as the "Orlando Magic Playoff Run Killers." This year, expectations have grown, and so have the young players the franchise has built around. Dwight Howard is coming off an amazing season and off-season, and the organization is only expecting him to pick up his game even more after seeing Olympic competition and bringing home the gold. "We want to compete for a championship," Said Howard, and the NBA Finals are not out of reach for the blossoming team. Last season's biggest free agent pickup Rashard Lewis has had a full year in Coach Stan Van Gundy's system, and should be a much larger contributer now that he has started to build some chemistry in the team. Often shaky at times, Jameer Nelson keeps bettering his game and when he is on the ball, is one of the best in the league.

A power center, arguably the best in the league, the best outside shooting in the league statistically, more time together and the addition of a few key veterans makes this Magic team much like the team that challenged for the title back in 1995 with the Rockets.
These things, coupled with the return of Tony Battie from injury to help Howard get some break time, and the emergence in the playoffs of Polish-born Marcin Gortat, who displayed amazing heart and hustle, help round out a team whose depth was questioned last year.
Only time will tell if the Magic are ready to compete in the big games this season, but from what has been seen this off-season, the fans in Orlando have much to be happy about.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 5 NFL Power Rankings

Week 5 Power Rankings

So were a quarter through this fresh NFL season, and we starting to see some tendencies developing, good and bad; some surprise wins and losses, and there’s still a boatload of pissed off Patriot fans. Here’s my Power Rankings through the first 4 games.

1. New York Giants (4-0) – I know, they should have been here since the beginning of the season. They are the defending champs, but lets remember, they have had a few nail-biters, and those are the ones that will make you or break you.
2. Tennessee Titans (4-0) – for the first time in franchise history, the Titans are unbeaten through a quarter of the season. The tandem rushing has never looked better, and any team giving up only 11 points a game is in amazing shape.
3. Buffalo Bills (4-0) – Buffalo is about to get really rowdy, now that the Patriots have already been counted down, and they are in a relatively weak division. Bills fans are in great shape, and it’s only going to get better.
4. Washington Redskins (3-1) – That tough DB core finally looked good against the ‘Boys last week, and LaRon Landry is already a feared player only a few years into his career.
5. Dallas Cowboys (3-1) – Losing a battle at home to a division rival is painful. Losing a battle at home to a division rival, while only handing the ball off 11 times to one of the leagues best tandems is just plain dumb. I would be pretty upset if I was Felix Jones or MB3 right now.
6. Carolina Panthers (3-1) – The Moose is resurrected, and that’s exactly what they wanted in Carolina. Ken Lucas gets a game ball from Steve Smith, and everyone loses their mind. How about, lets not kick the crap out of our own players anymore, and you can keep your own game ball.
7. Pittsburgh Steelers (3-1) – Winning. Very, very sloppily winning. But still winning.
8. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (3-1) – I have a bias towards Earnest Graham, because I attended school with him. With a few more handoffs and games like he has had so far this year, even with teams gunning for him, you too will all have “E-Geesus” biases as well.
9. New England Patriots (3-1) – The New England Matt Cassel’s are still in the top 10. Not a bad place to be when losing your franchise player.
10. Denver Broncos (3-1) – John Elway’s playbook? Oh Jay, Denver fans will be dancing in the streets; or puking in their living rooms.
11. Philadelphia Eagles (2-2) – I like DeSean Jackson. I really do. So, my friend, this note is for you – relax, take it slow. You are amazing, let it come to you. Your only mistakes on the year have been dumb, thoughtless goofs. You’re better than that.
12. Green Bay Packers (2-2) – Oh, Aaron… an injury is what you wanted the least, buddy. Get better. Fast.
13. San Diego Chargers (2-2) – The first series of the game might have been the biggest bonehead move of the year to this point, but I don’t think the Chargers are ready to drop yet.
14. New Orleans Saints (2-2) – Can we run the ball? PLEASE? Brees is going to throw out his arm and is on track to break Marino’s pass yards in a season record.
15. Chicago Bears (2-2) – I had a hard time putting these guys anywhere on this list. Their offense is still putrid, but their defense is outstanding when it commits.
16. Baltimore Ravens (2-1) – Quietly, deep inside, they’re calling out for “The Air.”
17. New York Jets (2-2) – A 2 point conversion was un-needed and ill-advised. What goes around comes around guys. Brett might be learning that playbook, huh?
18. Jacksonville Jaguars (2-2) – A barnburner with Houston last week, and they too allowed a score on every drive. I guess if you get tired of playing defense, as long as you can score every time you touch the ball, you’ll be ok. Maybe if we combine this highly vaulted defense with the offense we saw in the 4th quarter last week…
19. Indianapolis Colts (1-2) – Indy is thanking everything that is holy for the Bye this week. Peyton will right the ship. It’s only a matter of time.
20. Minnesota Vikings (1-3) – Frerotte couldn’t even last a whole game. Henderson goes down, and the Titans show the Vikings how bad life sucks when Peterson gets shut down. Minnesota is looking mighty depressing.
21. San Francisco 49ers (2-2) – Martz said J.T. O’Sullivan is the best QB he has ever had, I guess that means he has forgotten “The Greatest Show on Turf” orchestrator, Kurt Warner. Sad.
22. Miami Dolphins (1-2) – When you have the week off and everyone else sucks it up, you get to move up the ladder. Congrats, Sparano.
23. Atlanta Falcons (2-2) – I guess Michael Turner flips a coin before each game to see how he is going to play that day; amazing, or terrible. Jerious Norwood is making his chances count every week though.
24. Arizona Cardinals (2-2) – Ken Whisenhunt: Don’t send a marquee player into the middle with less than a minute left in a 100% losing effort. You win the Moron of the Week award. Anquan, prayers are with you, get back soon.
25. Seattle Seahawks (1-3) – Super Bowl MVP back in the lineup this week, but will Deion Branch himself be able to help this stagnant team?
26. Kansas City Chiefs (1-3) – Awesome win against a tough Denver team, but even that was messy.
27. Cleveland Browns (1-3) – Narrowly beat out Fitzpatrick in the “Battle for Ohio Mediocrity.” Derek Anderson is playing like Derek Anderson. Didn’t I predict this?
28. Houston Texans (0-3) – Where is this stingy defense that you have drafted a player to in the first round the last 3 years? Texans allowed a score on EVERY POSSESSION to the Jags in the 4th quarter last week.
29. Cincinnati Bengals (0-4) – Ryan Fitzpatrick is not the answer here. Neither is anything else the Bengals have been doing.
30. Detroit Lions (0-3) – Matt Millen is gone, and a new angel gets its wings. FINALLY.
31. St. Louis Rams (0-4) – The resurgence of Jim Haslett, missing since his New Orleans stint, and names Bulger the QB for the rest of the year. Anyone else getting a kick out of this?
32. Oakland Raiders (1-3) – Al Davis and his Tracksuit Mafia have done it again. Not only did this team NOT need anymore drama, but now they have to deal with their owner looking like a moron on national TV. By the way, watch that interview again, if you can. He never blinked. 5 head coaches since 2002. How can you expect to win with a new coach every year?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No milk with cookies? That's a travesty...


By Alex Barrett

Orlando, Fla. – With the economy in a state of disarray, many people of all walks of life are feeling strapped for cash, some more than others. On the West Campus of Valencia, even the students are affected somewhat. “I'm a server, so less people going out means less tips and less money in my pocket,” said Michelle Jacobs. Michelle is a server at outback, and when you live off of tips, people not having that extra money can be a big problem; even in a more stable environment, such as Ginn Security, Francelaine Prezil is feeling the crunch. “It’s terrible… I drive 45 minutes to work each day and gas is too expensive. I have to fill my tank every few days. It’s not fun.” Some of the students here are on financial aid, which make it a bit easier on the wallet, such as Nicole Bramwell, who says the crisis “hasn’t affected me yet, but I know it will soon.” Mehdi Elyacoubi and Eric Gomez, two friends on campus here, have mixed feelings. “Really, I am just waiting for the cold weather so the electricity bill gets cheaper. It’s horrible right now,” said Gomez. Elyacoubi added, “It isn’t too bad right now for me, I just can’t enjoy milk with my cookies at this time.” Shawna Stevens works downtown at a private firm, and even she is getting hit. “When it comes down to it, bills are just harder to come up with, cut and dry.”

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Orlando Magic 20th Anniversary and Jersey Unveiling

By Alex Barrett

ORLANDO, Fla. – Fans of all ages gathered at the historic Cheyenne Saloon in downtown Orlando to be part of the Orlando Magic’s new jersey unveiling and 20th anniversary season. The Magic celebrated jerseys and memories of the past by having a fashion show runway-type presentation of the uniforms of their past, as Community Ambassadors Nick Anderson, and Bo Outlaw, Along with All-Star center Dwight Howard, sported the history of the Orlando Magic jerseys at the same location that the Magic unveiled their original duds back in 1989.

“With this being our 20th anniversary season, the uniform change allows us to pay tribute to our history with the return to pinstripes, as well as look forward to our future with a modern approach,” Orlando Magic COO Alex Martins said. This is the fourth uniform change the Magic have made since entering the league before the 1989-90 season.

The adidas design team, along with input from the community and players alike, designed a new, reflective yet still modern looking jersey, bringing back the pinstripes that the fans loved so much, which now flare at the shoulders to accentuate the design, adding a new modernized letter and number font, and placing a secondary logo on the center back of the jersey by the neck, the first time this has been done in franchise history; the sides of the jersey have also been accentuated with contrasting mesh inserts. The new jerseys will lead the Magic into a new season full of expectations on the court, and into a new era in which they will also receive a new stadium, the Orlando Events Center, due to be ready for the 2010-2011 season.

Community Ambassador Nick Anderson, a former All-Star with the team and the Orlando Magic’s first draft pick on the franchise, said the jerseys have a good combination of all concepts on previous jerseys, from the first one on down the line. “I really wish they would have had these when I played…” and he added, “These jerseys bring a new excitement to our team, which was already exciting before. We have high expectations, and if everyone knows their roles and stays healthy this season, there’s no reason we can’t reach the NBA Finals this year.” When asked about the preseason pickups of Mikael Pietrus and veteran guard Anthony Johnson, Anderson added, “Otis [Smith] really hit a home run here. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he shored up our defense and played to our abilities to hit jumpers and three pointers, as well as giving us a seasoned veteran to back up Jameer Nelson. And don’t forget first round pick Courtney Lee, either; he could be the best addition of all of them.”

After the unveiling, gold-medal winning Dwight Howard was all smiles, as always. He received a standing ovation, but more importantly, a key to the city from Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. Dyer also proclaimed September 23rd as “Dwight Howard Day” in Orlando, and Howard interviewed after the presentation; “We just saw these before you guys did, and I am so glad we got some new jerseys. I love the team chemistry at this point, even with our new players, and I know it’s just a shirt, but this helps bring us together as a team and as fans as well.” Dwight also noted the depressing post-season loss to the Pistons as something they have worked on this offseason, and the turnout today shows the fans care. Howard gave the jersey design an “A++” and has hopes for it to be “the only jersey to be seen at our games.”

The fan and community reaction was just as powerful as the players, and the reaction to the new jersey was nothing short of ecstatic. UCF students Rachel Scott and Alex Rivera, whom are long time Magic fans and were one of the first in line when the doors opened at the Saloon, loved the new look. “The pinstripes are my favorite, I’m glad they brought them back,” said Scott, a senior legal studies major. Rivera, a sophomore at the school thinks the Magic can take it to the playoffs this year, and noted; “We can win it all.”

Orlando Magic Fanatic Jerome Wilt was in attendance for the festivities as well, and was thrilled about the new look for the Magic. “It has a new-school style, but keeps the old-school appeal.” He went on to add “The 20th anniversary patch was a perfect addition to the jersey as well. I can’t wait to see those on the court. It’s just a jersey; but this is our year.”

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Central Florida Hawaiian Feast

ORLANDO, Fla. - Or a luau, if you prefer, more in the middle of suburbia, less on a tropical island. I was perusing local events in which to attend for a recent assignment, and while looking abroad, I almost missed the party happening right under my nose. I recently moved into The Parks, a condo community in the Hunter's Creek area, and so far have thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Earlier today, the management company had a luau at the pool area for all of the residents and their families and friends, and I decided to attend and see what the feedback was for such an event.

When I arrived to the luau, I found it very well planned out; it was a family engagement, so there was no alcohol present, but there was a pretty extensive buffet, and even an open pit to mimic the cooking of a pig. There was live island music, and each person through the gates received a lei, just like they were getting off the jet plane in Hawaii. After making a few rounds to check out the scenery, I began to notice how much fun everyone was having; and how this party was bringing everyone in the neighborhood together. After all, even though we are in condominiums, we are still neighbors; just very, very close neighbors that don't always appreciate my Rock Band skills at three o'clock in the morning. After scoping some of the native talent on the deck, I came across Diane Mann, one of the head property managers for The Parks. She greeted me with an pleasant "Aloha," and I returned with the greeting myself. I asked Diane how they management company went about planning all of this, and the kind of coordination it took. "You would be surprised; it was very easy..." Diane stated. "We have had quite a few of these and there's always a huge turnout. It gets everyone out of their homes on a beautiful day, and it takes little more than a few fliers to advertise, and the dedication of the staff for a day." I recognized the dedicated staff. most of them were very dedicated to the volleyball game happening in the pool. "They deserve this as well," stated Diane, "And I think this may be our best turnout yet this year." I also asked Diane if she was down for a game of chicken later, but all I received from the request was a flattered look, followed by a little laughter.

As Diane said previously, this was an event for the people to get out and mingle, so I posed some questions to Mr. David Schoup, who happened to be the next person up to the massive punch bowl fountain. After a few minutes of defending my Chicago Cubs hat, I asked Mr. Schoup if he was enjoying himself. "Oh yeah. I can hang out in the sun, the kids can play, and the wife goes to gossip, so I can get a few moments of peace." He also added that he didn't even know who his neighbors in the home to his left were before this afternoon, much less know their children attended the same school. Courtney Wheeler felt the same way; a fellow bartender I found out after speaking with her for a bit. "Not only do I get to meet new people, some of them are regulars at my bar. I can hang out with them outside of work. It's awesome." I asked her if this was her first one of these little engagements, and she said that she had been to almost all of the special events The Parks puts on, and now actually requests off of work when she hears that an event is upcoming.

It was late afternoon now, and the sun was cracking the clouds, making for a very beautiful orange-red colored sky. As I grabbed another glass of punch, I heard the calls of my roommates by the poolside as they were entering the luau; it was at that point that Mr. Schoup returned to challenge myself, and whomever I would recruit to next game on the volleyball net. After hearing him banter about my Cubbies, I couldn't turn him down. I grabbed the Roomies, and hit the pool. My luau was just starting; and it was going to be a great night.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

UCF Vs. Stanford, WVB, 9/02/08

September 2nd, 2008
The Venue at UCF, Orlando, Florida
Attendance: 1568, (sold out)
ORLANDO, Fla. - Outside hitters Jeanine Williams and Erin Campbell led the way for the lady knights in kills and team attacks for the Lady Knights, however, the team as a whole led in total errors. The Knights welcomed in a stacked Stanford team on Tuesday night with the promise of guaranteed USF football tickets on Saturday, but that can’t account for the standing room only crowd in which close to one thousand people were turned away. The atmosphere in the gym was electric as the team bumped, set, and killed to chants of “U-C-F” and taunted the number two Cardinal with the same chants of “Go-Back-Home.” Unfortunately, after losing three sets in a sweep, (25-13, 25-17, 25-14) it was the crowd at the newly renovated Venue, and the Lady Knights, wishing Stanford would never have left California.
Of course, the Cardinal remembered to bring its superstars-- a whopping 10 letter winners from its 2007 campaign, including 2 times AVCA All-American Cynthia Barboza, and the 2007 National AVCA Player of the Year Foluke Akinradewo. In short order, the Knights were dispatched by a nearly perfect Stanford team; they committed only six errors the entire game, whereas the Knights had twenty-four. UCF might as well have brought a Caterpillar digger to the game, as Kristen Petrasic continued to dominate defensively for the Knights. In the end, no matter what the score, the girls were all smiles knowing they had stood up to a team composed of all stars and Olympians, and competed valiantly.
Both Campbell and Williams were available after the game, where they told the media they “Had nothing to lose” and were out there just “having fun”. They played hard and hung in against a tough squad and hope that fans will take this game and realize just how fun of a sport it is to watch, and hope that they can duplicate the attendance tonight through the season. Head coach Todd Dagenais, in his first season of coaching at UCF, added; “…this team showed amazing height for a new program…” and also noted that it “showcases a new era for our team. It was great to see them just go out there and play.” The Lady Knights will take their experience on the road next to face another ranked opponent, number 15 Oregon at the upcoming tournament in Kansas.
On another game note, the 1978 National Champion UCF women’s team was honored between the first and second sets; members of the team were present and cheered on their Alma Mater from the sidelines. A banner for their achievement to be displayed in the Venue is currently in the works.

OKC Thunder

Oklahoma City is “Thunderstruck”
At least their team is now. After spending much of this offseason without a formal name on their jerseys, the newly-acquired franchise has a tag.
With the deal to allow the movement of the team, the old franchise, the Seattle Supersonics, and their color scheme of green and gold were not allowed to follow the team; they had to stay in Washington. Because of this, Oklahoma was able to concoct a brand new identity looking forward to next season in their new home.
This new name really wasn’t that large of a surprise, however, as potential names were leaked as early as six weeks ago, and the website of the Orlando Magic had already listed games on their schedule for next year as playing the “Oklahoma City Thunder.” It took a little longer to leak the colors, but even they didn’t last until the announcement. The Thunder will be sporting blue, orange, and yellow, combining such colors having meaning to the residents of OKC, as well as the cross between colors of current Oklahoma teams, such as the Sooners.
Thunder is a fitting team name for the new franchise, as the Tornado Alley resides in Oklahoma. Thunderbirds are a nickname for a city based infantry division, and even that draws from the state’s American Indian past. “The Thunder Rolls” was a Garth Brooks hit many years ago on the country music charts; Brooks is also an Oklahoma native.
Oklahoma didn’t get the franchise quietly; however, they were mandated to shell out $75 million in lawsuit charges during a point in time where the team wasn’t even sure if it was moving until the legal proceedings were concluded. Team chairman Clay Bennett had mentioned that the team name had been decided “quite some time ago,” but the names that Oklahoma City passed on included trademarks on five other possibilities outside of Thunder: the Wind, Bison, Marshalls, Energy, and Barons.
The Thunder revealed the new logo, colors and name while blaring AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” over the loudspeakers, and new teammates Damien Wilkins and Desmond Mason, a former Oklahoma State University forward, along with some children unveiled the new designs at a packed Leadership Square in Oklahoma City in the early evening of September 4th.
Coach P.J. Carlesimo was even quoted as saying; “The guys in the jerseys, if they play, the jerseys are going to look real good.”

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Everything is bigger in Texas...

Even the strip joints. I feel it only right to lead off my new blog site with a topic that is not only current news, but one that relates to my interests in sports; as well as my interest in my sports teams I may follow. So why am I bringing up strip joints? Adam "Pacman" Jones was given the green light from N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Godell to play week one for the Dallas Cowboys. You will, of course, recall the fiasco... er, "wonderful journey" that Mr. Jones has taken us on in the past year of his suspension. As a Tennessee Titans fan, I would like to point out that I never wanted this guy in the organization... Right after he called the press conference to formally request we all call him by his nickname, Pacman, I knew it was going to be bad; but I never thought that over ten arrests and depleated play time would be the result of our number six first round pick of just three years ago. (He would later call a press conference to request that we no longer even use "Pacman" when referring to him.) Shooting charges and felony coersion charges aside, this guy has just proven to be a miserable person- so far.

The Dallas Cowboys organization, and Jerry Jones specifically, have been in the spotlight many times for recruiting troubled players to the team; most notably before Adam Jones of course would be Terrell Owens, who shunned his past quarterbacks (going as far as questioning Jeff Garcia's manhood... have you seen Jeff Garcia's wife? I'll take male pattern baldness any day if I get a crack at her.)and has an outstanding reputation of caring only of himself. It is the aim, of course, for the Cowboys to bring out the best in Jones, and to assure the public that his days of creating rap labels and doing third-party wrestling appearances are over with. Again, as a fan of the game, I honestly would like to see Adam get his career back on track. I hate seeing an athlete with that gifted of talent throw it away because he cant stay away from a gentlemen's club; however, If the old saying is true, and everything IS bigger in Texas, the lure of "making it rain" in his new home may just be too much for Mr. Pacman.