Thursday, November 20, 2008

Roger "Bad-dell"

When to say “Uncle”
By Alex Barrett

It almost seems like being an NFL Commissioner would be an awesome job, right?
Regulating the league, making important decisions, like weather to increase the season at the cost of preseason games, if we should play more games abroad, and there’s that $11.2 million he makes a year in salary which doesn’t hurt the pocket any.

It would seem like you have a lot on your plate, but it would also seem like you would be completely involved in your work; just ask late commissioner Paul Tagliabue, whom served the NFL for 16 years. Tagliabue was responsible for 16 years without a strike or a lockout, had a huge hand in the collective bargaining agreements, brought in major endorsements and exclusivity deals, strengthened revenue sharing, and saw to massive internal expansion, including NFL Europe, several new expansion teams, and 17 new stadiums during his tenure, which shows his uncanny ability to get government backing for such undertakings.

Goodell, surely has some big shoes to fill, and it seems like he may never come close. As we look at Goodell’s performance so far, all we see is mistakes and confusion. First, there was Adam “Pac-Man” Jones and his antics. Jones was arrested more times than years Tagliabue served in office, and that is only in his first 3 years as a member of the Tennessee Titans. Because of these arrests, we have seen Jones more or less not able to stay away from the gentleman’s clubs, and for some strange reason, he likes to pick fights with bouncers and encourage other people to shoot their guns. Because of his off-field involvement, Goodell suspended Jones for the entire 2007 season, which seemed like an appropriate penalty, and then informed Jones that there was “zero-tolerance” for any more off field issues. Last month, after being re-instated earlier this season, Jones got in a fight with a bodyguard at a hotel. That was it for Jones’ career, right? Apparently not. Goodell suspended Jones for 4 more games and recently reinstated him this week. Note to the Commish: If you can’t make “Good-ell” on your promises, these guys are going to walk all over you.

Lets look at another issue with Goodell in office, the whole “Spy-Gate” issue revolving around the New England Patriots. The Pats were accused of, and found to be recording sessions of practices and games in which they had a member of their staff on the opposing sideline stealing signs and recording classified material. Having been found doing this at least twice before, this was the end of the road for Bill Belichick, right? Apparently not. The Patriots and Belichick were docked a mediocre 5th round draft pick, and fined a total of $750 thousand dollars in pocket change. The assumption around the league was, if you get caught cheating, you’re disqualified; one of those foundation rules you learn in little league. Goodell let the Patriots off easy, and their subsequent season they posted an 18-1 record, losing to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl. Karma?

It almost seems like Goodell would have suspended Michael Vick, whom was indicted for dog fighting charges earlier this year, for 4 games and fined him a measly $100k if he wasn’t in jail and unable to play. It remains to be seen if Goodell will reinstate Vick after his 2-year prison sentence has been carried out, but hasn’t it already tarnished the league?

Roger Goodell has been given the office of a $30.6 billion dollar conglomerate, and seems as though he is making it out to be a circus. Non-conforming suspensions, fines and penalties aside, his face time with the media is always teased and made to be a farce as he simply repeats his previous words when asked about controversial issues. Tagliabue may have cast a big shadow, one that is far too large for Goodell to even think about leaving for his successor. Only time will tell if Goodell will shake off his ill-advised decisions and return the league to it’s well-oiled machine ways.

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