Saturday, October 4, 2008

I need Peasants

I had around 1500 blog viewers on myspace... Here I have no followers, and I don't feel too special about it anymore. You should follow me. You know you want to. I added the App this afternoon, you can click on it on the right side of the page. It's down by the bottom, because my picture is too pretty to move it down at all. Here are some perks to being a follower of Alex:
1. You get to email me things you think I should either blog about or write about. I will DEFINITELY read and reply to all emails.
2. Come on. Being a follower of someone as awesome as myself is a perk in itself. You'll get more friends in your social life because of me. Note... it isn't what you know, it's WHO you know.
3. My brother, Jake, wont have to knock on your door. That's a visit you don't want. I promise.
4. Now, I am not saying that being my follower is going to make you independantly wealthy, but, I mean, COME ON.
5. The more followers I have, the more I will blog and the more I will be versed to doing personal favors for any of you. Remember, you are all special.
And finally, the number one reason-
6. My mom is eventually going to be a follower. If she's the only one at any point in time, then I may never be able to be with a woman again, and you wouldnt wish that on anyone. Just click the button. Thanks!

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