Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ah, NBA, how I have loved thee...

Until recently. No one is unaware of my referee bashing, especially in the last NFL season, but some of these refs need to be FIRED.

Watching the Cleveland Cavaliers play at home is nauseating at best. What these zebras are doing to the game is almost disgraceful; it is almost as bad to see them play anywhere else. The series with the Magic has been a prime example. The reason you havent heard from me yet was because the Cavs are heads over heels better than the last teams they have faced in the postseason, but against a notably better team, the Orlando Magic, the Cavaliers have had to rely on their 6th man...

The boys in stripes.

I think it is because the NBA... and David Stern... all want to see LeBron vs. Kobe. The TV ads have been pushing it, both the NBA's own advertisements, and others providers like Nike. Still, to a hardcore sports fan, this is unacceptable. The best team, the one that proves it deserves to win should win the game. Politics run the world, and that includes sports; but a smaller market, lesser known team should never be cast aside in favor of something people would just like to see. This is what XBox is for, so you can play 23 vs. 24 all night long, where the calls don't kill the faith and heart of thousands of fans who see this happening to their team, and are powerless to stop it.

As I write this, the Magic are about to take a 2-1 series lead, (should be 3-0), and Howard just fouled out on what could be the worst call I may have EVER seen. (look it up. It will be on SportsCenter tomorrow. It was that bad.) It was so bad I forgot I was in parenthesis. Hedo Turkoglu and Rashard Lewis' heroics in game one were overshadowed, and rarely mentioned by the media, but LeBron's last second buzzer beater in game two has been played at least once every few minutes somewhere across the globe. It probably just passed a couple million or so YouTube hits while I am writing this.

Nothing against LeBron James, ever. He is a player that words cannot really describe. Maybe just simply put, amazing. I was not too young to remember, or even see Michael Jordan play, but I was too young to see the refs look the other way for him. I am a "WITNESS" to this now. The Magic will try to dig out of this hole, but I fear this is all for naught unless Orlando can win the next two games by 40 points, keeping it far enough away so that the officials cannot determine the outcome.

So what is really happening? It seems that the calls are going one way, and you stop to take a look, and realize they REALLY are.

Why was there no retroactive flagrant foul against Mo Williams after he chucked the ball at Howard in game two? Its funny that everyone in the arena saw that happen except the stripes, who took their eyes off the ball for the first time ever. All at once. Where is the NBA, and Stuart Jackson, that were handing out so many retroactive fouls during the first two rounds of the playoffs? They gave more of those away than Chinese Restaurants give free samples in the mall to passers. I know they saw that clip.

In summary, "King James" never fouls, and the rest of the league fouls him if they get within a foot of him. James challenged at least 3 fast break layups / dunks the Magic turned, and hit the hands of the shooter on all of them. All fouls, and one goaltend. Guess which plays didn't get calls? All of them.

I wish Charles Barkley would become an NBA official. He always calls it like it is- "Ball don't lie."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

NFL Rule Changes

*Note: this column has been chosen to represent myself in the National Collegiate Journalists' Association, or something like that. Hope you like it!

Apr 1st, 2009
By Alex
As with most years, the NFL has decided to do their best this off-season to attempt to assure the safety of players in the league. They do this, of course, by implementing rule changes that butcher the game’s core competencies, and rarely ever make any sense.
This year, another Tom Brady rule has been put forth. Hooray! You may remember the original ‘tuck rule’ that was put in place the year after the Raiders were robbed in the AFC Championship game after a clear fumble by Brady. This rule is a little more involved. Following the season-ending injury to Toy-Boy Brady, the league has now made it illegal to hit a quarterback below the hip pads, and illegal to hit the quarterback if you are on the ground as well.
This rule, joined with a legit rule, not being able to strike above the shoulder pads, now makes the only place for rushers to make contact with the QB from the lower shoulders to the belly button.
Thus, after years of seasons, hundereds of games, and millions of fans who tune in to big hits and grimacing quarterbacks, the league has finally decided to use twohand touch on the field generals of the league.
I have a better idea; let’s give the quarterback a set of flags so the defenders don’t even have to risk touching the frail, breakable QB. It is sad that players like Steve McNair, who injured virtually every bone in his body was able to go out week after week and play, but the first time a flagship player like Tom Brady goes down, all of a sudden there’s a problem.
Poor Brady, who is still dating a supermodel, and who still managed to take pictures for endorsemets of clothing, cologne, and feminine hygiene products during his vacation away from the league.
This guy isn’t a football player, he is a pansy. It’s not like the first player in the backfield against the Patriots this year is going Steven Segal Tom’s knee and kick it in backwards to prove a point. Safties aren’t Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicking receivers coming across the middle. Football is a tough sport where contact is completely necessary. If you’re having problems with your QB staying healthy, maybe they should choose a new line of work, or hit the weight room to bulk up and prevent injuries.
Unfortunately, the No Fun League has struck again, making sure we have another diluted contribution on Sundays. No more “Jacked Up!” No more leveling hits to pollute ESPN’s Top 10 countdown. Players on the gridiron are going to get hurt, no matter how many adaptations to hits you make. Sooner or later, we will find ourselves on a path to abolising contact in sports altogether. No matter how many punishing blows you put on a player, there are still more injuries in other sports, such as basketball, where the players don’t even wear pads with the exception of the occasional face protector, or Horace Grant’s famous goggles.
My advice to the league: end this now; I understand you have to protect your investments and players, but the one thing that keeps you going are the fans. Once they fly for greener pastures, it will be hard to pay those players millions of dollars each year. People love football, not sort-of football. Maybe if the league saw this, they would think a little longer about making decisions as potentially hap-hazard as this one.